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How to Become (an Ethical) Hacker?


Are you intrigued by the world of ethical hacking but unsure where to start? You’re not alone. Becoming an ethical hacker is an exciting journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and the right resources. This guide will walk you through a step-by-step roadmap to help you become a proficient ethical hacker, all for free!

Developing the Ethical Hacker’s Mindset

Ethical hackers possess certain characteristics: perseverance, creativity, dedication, and a relentless drive to learn. These traits are essential for success in the field.

Mastering Computer Basics

Understanding the fundamentals of computers, including hardware and operating systems, is crucial. Start with free resources like Professor Messer’s CompTIA A+ course or Paul Browning’s engaging CompTIA A+ tutorials on YouTube.

Mastering Networking

Delve into networking basics such as the OSI model, IP addresses, MAC addresses, ARP, and DNS. YouTube channels like Professor Messer and Paul Browning offer free Network+ courses. Explore CCNA training.

Learning Linux

Linux is a must-know for ethical hackers. Install Linux on a spare computer or use VirtualBox for a safe learning environment. Resources like OverTheWire’s Bandit challenges or the Google Bits and Bytes course on Coursera can help you get started.

Foundations in Cybersecurity

Strengthen your cybersecurity knowledge with free resources like TryHackMe, Red Hat Interactive Labs, Blue Team Labs Online, and Cisco’s Networking Academy courses on security essentials.

Coding and Scripting Skills

Learn Python, a versatile language widely used in cybersecurity. Cisco’s Networking Academy and YouTube channels like The Cyber Mentor offer free Python courses. Additionally, consider exploring PowerShell for Windows environments.

Understanding Cloud Services

Familiarize yourself with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Each provider offers free training and resources to help you grasp the basics of cloud computing and security.

Begin Hacking

Now that you’ve built a solid foundation, it’s time to start hacking. Try platforms like TryHackMe and Hack The Box to practice your skills. These platforms offer a range of challenges and walkthroughs.

Vulnerable Machines

Experiment with vulnerable virtual machines from platforms like VulnHub. You can download and run these locally to practice your hacking skills.

YouTube Channels

Explore YouTube channels like The Cyber Mentor and HackerSploit for in-depth hacking tutorials and walkthroughs.


Becoming an ethical hacker is a challenging but rewarding journey. By following this comprehensive roadmap and leveraging free resources, you can develop the skills and knowledge needed to excel in this field. Remember to always be ethical! Do not break into systems without permission. Do not do damage to other people’s systems and data. Learning is a continuous process, so stay dedicated, keep practicing, and embrace the hacker’s mindset. Your journey to becoming an ethical hacker starts now!

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