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How to Find IP Address of Your Computer?

Every device connected to a network has a unique identifier called an IP address. The IP address is used for addressing at the Network layer of the OSI model (internet level of the TCP/IP architecture). It is a unique address of every device connected to the network, more precisely, every network interface on the network. In this blog post, we will explain how to find the IP address of your computer on Windows and Linux operating systems.

What is an IP Address?

In IPv4 protocol, an IP address is 32 bits long, i.e., four octets, and consists of two parts:

  • Network Address – Identifies the subnet
  • Host Address – Identifies the host (computer or another device) within the subnet.

Have you ever wondered how the computer knows which part of an IP address belongs to the network and which part belongs to the host? Well, that’s where the subnet mask comes in! It’s like a secret decoder that helps the internet make sense of those numbers and identify the network boundaries. So next time you connect to the web, remember that there’s a little bit of magic happening behind the scenes to keep you connected.

We write IP address as four decimal numbers separated by dots:


where each number N is a decimal number of one octet’s size when written in binary and can have decimal values ranging from 0 to 255.

It is important to note that IP addresses can be either private or public. Private IP addresses are used within a local network and are not visible on the internet. Public IP addresses are unique on the internet and are used to identify a device on the internet.

What is a Private IP Address?

A private IP address is an IP address that is used within a private network to identify and communicate with devices on that (local) network. These IP addresses are not routable on the internet, which means they cannot be used to access the internet directly. Instead, private IP addresses are translated to public IP addresses by a router or gateway when the device communicates with the internet.

There are three ranges of private IP addresses that are reserved for use in private networks (RFC 1918):

  • to
  • to
  • to

What is a Public IP Address?

A public IP address is a unique address that is assigned to a device that is directly connected to the internet. This IP address is used to identify the device on the internet and to direct communication with other devices on the internet.

Public IP addresses are assigned by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and can be either dynamic or static. A dynamic IP address is one that is assigned to a device for a limited period of time (using DHCP protocol). In contrast, a static IP address is one that is assigned to a device permanently.

How to Find IP Address on Windows

Follow these steps to find the IP address of your Windows computer:

  1. Press the Windows key + R on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type cmd and press Enter. This will open the Command Prompt window.
  3. Type ipconfig and press Enter. This will display all network adapters and their configurations.
  4. Look for the adapter you are currently using and find the IPv4 Address field. This is your computer’s IP address.

ipconfig output

How to Find IP Address on Linux

Follow these steps to find the IP address of your Linux computer:

  1. Open a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard.
  2. Type ifconfig and press Enter. This will display information about all network interfaces.
  3. Find the adapter you are currently using and look for the inet field. This is your computer’s IP address.

ifconfig output

And that’s it! Now you know how to find the IP address of your computer on both Windows and Linux operating systems.


Knowing your IP address is essential for troubleshooting network problems and accessing devices on your network. Whether you are using a Windows or Linux operating system, finding your IP address is a quick and simple process that you can do in just few steps.

Remember that your public IP address is used to identify your device on the internet, so it is important to take steps to protect your privacy and security. By understanding the difference between private and public IP addresses, you can take steps to secure your network and protect your online identity.

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