How To Maintain Technical Skills as a Manager: 4 Essential Tips

As engineers transition into management roles, a common challenge emerges: maintaining hands-on technical skills while juggling the responsibilities of leading a team. This struggle is not just a personal concern; it can have far-reaching effects on team dynamics and overall project success. However, with the right approach, it’s entirely possible to keep your technical edge sharp while excelling in your managerial duties.

In this blog post, we’ll explore four essential tips that can help you maintain and even enhance your technical proficiency as a manager. These strategies are designed to keep you connected with both your team and your engineering roots, ensuring you remain an effective leader in the ever-evolving world of technology.

Table of Contents

Tip 1: Maintain Passion for Technology

Don’t let go of your passion for technology or learning!

This first tip is the foundation upon which all others are built. Your journey into management doesn’t mean you have to abandon your love for technology. In fact, nurturing this passion is crucial for your success as a technical leader.

  • Stay curious: Actively seek out information about new technologies, methodologies, and industry trends.
  • Attend tech conferences: These events can reignite your enthusiasm and provide valuable insights into the latest developments.
  • Engage in tech communities: Participate in online forums, local meetups, or open-source projects to stay connected with the broader tech ecosystem.
  • Set personal learning goals: Identify areas of technology you want to explore and set achievable targets for learning and experimentation.

By maintaining your passion for technology, you’ll naturally stay motivated to keep your skills sharp and remain an inspirational figure for your team.

Tip 2: Learn from Your Team

Trust your team and let them teach you.

As a manager, one of your greatest resources for staying technically relevant is your own team. Embrace the opportunity to learn from those you lead:

  • Foster a knowledge-sharing culture: Encourage regular tech talks, lunch-and-learn sessions, or informal knowledge exchanges within your team.
  • Be open about your learning goals: Share with your team the areas where you’d like to improve, and invite their input and guidance.
  • Rotate meeting leads: Allow team members to lead technical discussions, giving them a platform to showcase their expertise.
  • Pair with team members: Occasionally sit with different team members to observe and learn about their current projects and techniques.

Remember, great teams thrive on mutual growth and support. By positioning yourself as both a leader and a learner, you create an environment where knowledge flows freely in all directions.

Tip 3: Hands-On Engineering Tasks

Set aside time for yourself to tackle some engineering tasks on your own.

While your primary focus is on managing and leading, it’s crucial to keep your hands dirty with actual coding or technical work:

  • Schedule coding/lab time: Block out regular slots in your calendar dedicated to hands-on technical work.
  • Take on small tickets: Assign yourself manageable tasks that won’t interfere with your managerial duties but will keep your skills sharp.
  • Work on internal tools: Contribute to the development or maintenance of tools that support your team’s workflow.
  • Participate in hackathons: Join your team or company-wide hackathons to work intensively on a project.

Even a few hours a week can make a significant difference in maintaining your technical edge. It’s not about the quantity of time, but the quality and consistency of your engagement with hands-on work.

Tip 4: Active Participation in Technical Discussions

Actively participate in code reviews and technical discussions.

Your experience and perspective as a manager can add significant value to technical conversations within your team:

  • Engage in code reviews: Regularly review code, focusing on architecture, design patterns, and overall code quality.
  • Ask insightful questions: Use your experience to probe deeper into technical decisions and their long-term implications.
  • Facilitate technical debates: Guide discussions on architectural choices or technology adoption, helping the team reach well-reasoned conclusions.
  • Bridge business and technical perspectives: Help your team understand the broader context of their technical decisions.

By actively participating in these discussions, you not only stay connected to the technical details but also help elevate the overall quality of your team’s work.


Maintaining your technical abilities while managing people is indeed about staying connected to both your team and your roots. By following these four tips – maintaining your passion, learning from your team, engaging in hands-on work, and actively participating in technical discussions – you can successfully balance your managerial responsibilities with your technical expertise.

Remember, the goal isn’t to be the most technically proficient person on your team. Rather, it’s about staying relevant, understanding the challenges your team faces, and being able to make informed decisions that bridge the gap between technical possibilities and business needs.

Embrace this journey of continuous learning and growth. Your efforts to stay technically sharp will not only benefit you personally but will also inspire your team and contribute to a culture of excellence and innovation.

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