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Information Gain in SEO: Separating Good AI Websites from Bad AI Websites


In the world of SEO, the distinction between a well-optimized AI-powered website and a poorly constructed one can make or break your online presence. But what exactly is an AI website, and why does it matter? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the concept of Information Gain in the context of SEO and explore how it can significantly impact your website’s performance.

The Google Connection

Information Gain in SEO isn’t just a buzzword; it’s grounded in Google’s patent filings. What truly piqued our interest was Google’s release of a groundbreaking Contextual estimation of link information gain patent  This patent, as we’ll soon discover, plays a pivotal role in Google’s quest to distinguish between good and bad websites through the recently introduced “Google helpful content update.”

Demystifying the Patent

Now, let’s unravel the abstract of the patent filed by Google last year. It revolves around the concept of Information Gain, which can be understood as the value a user gains from viewing a set of documents. Simply put, Google aims to provide users with content that offers the most valuable information. So, how does it work?

  1. Identify a Topic: First, Google identifies a set of documents related to a user’s query that the user has already viewed.
  2. Unseen Documents: Next, Google identifies a second set of documents on the same topic that the user has not yet seen.
  3. Information Gain Score: Google assigns an Information Gain score to each document in the second set, indicating how much new or novel information it contains compared to the user’s previously viewed documents.
  4. Content Selection: Based on these scores, Google selects a new document from the second set and presents information from this selected document to the user.

The Implications for Niche Websites

So, how does this patent affect Niche websites?

  • The patent revolves around determining the information score of documents based on their uniqueness compared to what users have already seen.
  • For Niche websites, this means a renewed emphasis on creating high-quality, original content.
  • Focus on leveraging your expertise and authority in your niche.
  • Identify gaps in existing content and strive to fill them with valuable information.
  • Consider producing long-form, in-depth content such as guides and reports.

In an era where the SEO landscape is constantly evolving, it’s apparent that strategies based solely on Q&A-type content might need to adapt.

In conclusion, Information Gain in SEO is not just a fascinating concept; it’s a game-changer in the world of online visibility. Google’s patent signifies a shift towards valuing the quality and uniqueness of content. For Niche websites, this presents an opportunity to stand out by offering valuable, original, and in-depth content.

Remember, in SEO, staying informed and adaptive is the key to success!

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