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BGP on MikroTik: A Complete Configuration Guide

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) stands as the backbone of internet routing, serving as the critical protocol that enables different Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to exchange routing information seamlessly. As the internet continues to expand, the demand for reliable, scalable, and cost-effective routing solutions grows in parallel. This is where MikroTik routers have carved out a…

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How to Set Up Static and Dynamic Routing on MikroTik

Routing is the backbone of any network—ensuring that data is forwarded from one network to another in the most efficient manner possible. MikroTik RouterOS provides powerful routing capabilities for both small and large-scale enterprise environments. In this guide, we’ll cover how to configure both static and dynamic routing on MikroTik devices using practical examples and…

putty, ssh, telnet, terminal, client, server, computer, open source, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, telnet

MikroTik Secure Remote Management via SSH and VPN

In today’s fast-paced networking environment, the ability to manage your network equipment remotely is essential – but it must be done securely. For network engineers and systems administrators working with MikroTik devices, remote management can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it offers unparalleled flexibility in monitoring and troubleshooting, but on the other, it…

Is MikroTik Good for Home Networks?

Is MikroTik Good for Home Networks?

In today’s connected world, a robust and secure home network is more important than ever. Whether you are streaming high-definition movies, working remotely, or simply browsing the web, your network needs to be reliable, flexible, and secure. While many consumers lean toward mainstream brands for simplicity, there is a growing interest in exploring professional-grade solutions…

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MikroTik API with Python: Building Custom Network Management Tools

In today’s dynamic networking environment, automating network tasks is no longer a luxury but a necessity. This article explores how to leverage the MikroTik API with Python to create custom network management tools that minimize manual errors and streamline repetitive configuration tasks. Whether you are a network engineer or a systems administrator, this guide will…

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Turn Your MikroTik Router into a Wireless Access Point

Transform your MikroTik router into a high-performance wireless access point and unlock robust, reliable connectivity for your home or office. This comprehensive guide walks you through every step—from initial setup and configuration to advanced settings and troubleshooting—ensuring that you find out how to use MikroTik Router as Wireless Access Point. Table of Contents The Growing…

putty, ssh, telnet, terminal, client, server, computer, open source, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, telnet

Essential MikroTik Commands Every Network Engineer Should Know

MikroTik routers have become a cornerstone in the world of networking, especially in ISP and enterprise environments. With RouterOS powering these devices, network engineers have access to a robust set of tools that combine flexibility with high performance. While WinBox provides a visually appealing management interface, true power and efficiency come from mastering the command-line…

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15 Must-Know Linux Commands for Junior Systems Engineers

Mastering the Linux command line is key to efficient system management, troubleshooting, and automation for junior systems engineers and system administrators. Experienced engineers often rely on the CLI, especially for configuring network equipment and managing remote servers. This article covers 15 essential Linux commands, with detailed examples and links to additional resources. 1. Why the…

putty, ssh, telnet, terminal, client, server, computer, open source, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, telnet

Understanding WinBox and CLI for MikroTik Management

MikroTik routers have become a staple in many network environments—from small businesses to large-scale enterprises. With RouterOS at its core, MikroTik devices offer flexible management tools that allow administrators to configure networks with precision. In this article, we’ll explore two primary methods for managing MikroTik devices: WinBox, the graphical interface, and the Command Line Interface…

Getting Started with MikroTik: A Beginner’s Guide to RouterOS

Getting Started with MikroTik: A Beginner’s Guide to RouterOS

MikroTik routers have become a cornerstone in the networking world, offering a blend of affordability and robust performance that appeals to both network engineers and system administrators. At the heart of these devices lies RouterOS, MikroTik’s proprietary operating system, renowned for its versatility and comprehensive feature set. This guide aims to provide a structured introduction…